Rules & Regulations/Code of Conduct

Rules & Regulations/Code of Conduct

  • The School Uniform must be worn all days and at all school functions.
  • Leave of absence will be granted only on written application from the parent or guardian.
  • Students are not allowed to meet parents or visitors in the school or to leave the school premises during school hours without written request from parents. All requests are to be made through the diary by the parents.
  • Jewellery must not be worn in school. Magazines, toys or such other articles must not be brought to school without prior permission. Exchange of articles or money transactions among students is not allowed.
  • Pupils themselves are responsible for their personal belongings, books, writing materials, tiff-in carriers etc. and school authorities are not responsible for any loss.
  • Students are forbidden to write or scribble on the wall or dirty the class rooms or damage any school material. Parents/Guardian will have to compensate for willful damage done to school by their wards.e
  • Every student must take part in school games, excursion and other activities unless medically unfit or exempted ‘by the Principal’. Unauthorised absence in school activity will result in removal from the school.
  • Parents who wish to speak to the class teacher regarding the progress of their children shall do so only after getting prior appointment through the Principal and in the presence of the Principal between 3.30 to 4.30 p.m only.
  • Parents are requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are followed. Please note that the rules are subjected to modification in the interest of the pupil and the school.
  • Politeness and courtesy are expected from the pupils. Every pupil is urged to maintain high moral and ethical standards set for the school by his/her manner and conduct. They are answerable to the school authorities for their misconduct even outside the school. Immoral activities will result in expulsion from the school.
  • Only English should be spoken in the premises to acquire greater proficiency in the language.
  • No pupil (suffering from contagious or infections diseases) shall be allowed to attend the school or any functions.
  • The Principal reserves the right to suspend or dismiss a pupil on grounds of irregular attendance, habitual lack of good conduct, disobedience or discourtesies to teachers, any kind of malpractice or objectional behaviour not in keeping with the good tone of the school inside the premises or elsewhere and to issue TC to them if their parents do not respond properly.
  • Entrusting a pupil to the school implies that parents agree to stand by the rules and regulations of the school. They are requested to see that the children also abide by school regulations. Otherwise their names will be removed from the school records.
  • A minimum of 85% attendance is required to appear in the final examination. Absence in any examination is not allowed and will result in failure.
  • Students are not bring and use Mobile Phones inside the school premises.
  • Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and out side the school.